Dental implants – most frequently used fixed solutions

Dental implants improve our quality of life!

Smile is the first thing we notice when we meet someone new. We could almost say that we all have only one chance to make a good first impression on someone. In this case, having a beautiful smile definitely helps.
However, if we do not smile because of broken, damaged or missing teeth and our bad teeth prevent us from attending social events and relating to other people, we greatly limit ourselves and our social interactions. Dental implants are a perfect way to get the smile we deserve!

One implanted tooth

One implanted tooth


A missing tooth, not only compromises the aesthetics of our smile, but in the long run it could also create problems to the surrounding teeth, causing loss of bone density and compromising the bite. One of the many advantages of a dental implant is the preservation of the natural teeth adjacent to the implant. Unlike in traditional bridges, the adjacent teeth are not needed to support the implant. This means that the neighbouring teeth need not be ground to support the crowns. The result is a new tooth completely equal to natural teeth and a healthy smile.

Small bridge on implants

Bridge on implants


Two, three or more missing teeth cause the loss of support for a traditional bridge which leads us to create a dental bridge with the help of one or more dental implants. These solutions are particularly suitable for treatments on either side of the mouth. In these areas of the mouth the force of the bite is such that we need a stable and a lasting support to avoid compromising the prosthetic part of the bridge, a metal ceramic or zirconium ceramic crown.

Circular bridge on implants

Circular bridge on implants


A complete restoration of one jaw involves the insertion of 6 (or in some cases 8) dental implants on a circular bridge of 12 or 14 ceramic or zirconium ceramic crowns is fixed. The end result is a new, set of teeth of a healthy and natural appearance. In order to perform this treatment some specific conditions regarding the patient's general health and jaw bone density need to be met. If for some reason this type of treatment is not feasible, we choose to proceed with Straumann Pro Arch or Overdentures.